Monday, July 10, 2006

Check the content of cell using ISBLANK()


This formula checks if a cell is blank, if yes returns TRUE, else FALSE. This formula is particularly useful to stop another formula to execute. For example, if a cell is empty, leave another cell empty, else execute a summation function. Such as:


Other similar formulas are:

ISNA(value) check if a cell is #N/A

Application: =IF(ISNA(A2),””,A1+A2)

ISERR(value) check if a cell is error except #N/A

Application: =IF(ISERR(A2),””,A1+A2)

ISERROR(value) check if a cell is any types of error including #N/A

Application: =IF(ISERROR(A2),””,A1+A2)

ISNUMBER(value) check if a cell is numerical

Application: =IF(ISNUMBER(A2),A1+A2,””)

check if a cell is text

Application: =IF(ISTEXT(A2),A2,A1+A2)


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